We had a few bumps at the start but that was primarily because I was relearning a few things when it came to boyfriends. My ex was horrible to me and I had so many insecurities that I let it turn into unwarranted paranoia and jealousy. I was very protective of what I had because I've never had anything this good, in fact I didn't think it existed. Once I realised things were just getting better and better I got more and more fearful and it caused problems.
I'm happy to say under the wing of my gorgeous boyfriend (who thankfully has an understanding of my previous situation) I feel so much more at peace internally. I'm just happy and so in love. I'm glad I've started on the road to recovery and self improvement even though he seems to think I'm perfect as I am. I just feel so much better inside already I'm far less scared, frustrated and confused, I don't know how to thank that boy for being with me every step of the way. Even if just for believing I had it in me :)
The brightest news of all? I get to see him in 24 days and I just can't wait. Its simultaneously the most terrifying and amazing thing I've ever set out to do :) He just makes me so happy and I am far too juvenile of a writer to truly convey how I feel, in fact I'm not even sure a master wordsmith could verbalise it.
Apart from being head over heels in love, working and trip planning, I haven't been doing anything really. Primarily just reserving money wherever possible and making sure credit cards are paid off before I leave. I'm financially on track but I'm not going to pretend it hasn't been tough. I used to go to the shop on the weekends and have lunch, maybe pick up a new dress or shoes whatever (never anything excessive) but I've had to curb even that. I try to stay away from the shop wherever possible because at the end of the day I'm still just as female as the next girl and I WILL buy those awesome shoes if they're on sale.
All in all, I'm insanely happy. I really have found something so special and I'm excited to see where it leads me.
In closing I will leave you with a few pictures from my phone (there are so many I want to put up but I'll just put up a few this time!!)
Initial sketch & portrait of me done by my gorgeous boy while I fell asleep on webcam
1 USD - Given to me by my colleague who was being sweet & supportive of my trip :)
1 USD - Given to me by my colleague who was being sweet & supportive of my trip :)
Sneaky picture of a fire truck which I drew one boring day
Sasquatch plushie given to me by my sister after returning from 6 months in Canada
humorous and cute webcomic which can be found here: http://southernliterature.umwblogs.org/2010/09/10/poemance/
humorous and cute webcomic which can be found here: http://southernliterature.umwblogs.org/2010/09/10/poemance/
I stumbled upon this bright and beautiful (and dead) beetle which I needed to photograph & send to Reid.
I will be taking this shit hot purple Mendoza suitcase - yeah boii!! <3
On the 7th of September 2011 and meeting my boy the same day in Michigan USA :)
Both pretty and stabby
Both pretty and stabby
Berry Sorbet topped with fairyfloss (Sour!!)
Creme Brulee done correctly (Drools)
Biscotti type thing (solid as a rock - powdered sugar went everywhere)
Berries topped with vanillia bean icecream (Icecream good berries sour)
I cheated as this wasn't from my phone but I just.. I had to :)
He's amazing and he has me completely.
*I love him*